HTML Canvas: Javascript Code for Toybox A1

HTML Canvas

Here is the JavaScript for the first of my experiments with the HTML Canvas tag.


	var example;
	var context;
	var b =0;
	function init() {

		example = document.getElementById('canvas1');
		context = example.getContext('2d');
	function draw() {

		context.fillStyle = "rgb(255,255,255)";
		context.fillRect(0, 0, 400, 800);
		var icCount = 12;
		var number = Math.PI * 2 / icCount;
			for (n=1; n<= icCount; n++) {
				x = 200 + ((Math.sin(number * n * b)) * 150);
				y = 150 + ((Math.tan(number * n * b)) * 100);
				context.fillStyle = 'rgb(0,0,0)';
				context.arc(x, y, 25, 0, Math.PI*2, true); 


		b += 0.02;

Link to page:

HTML Canvas Tag: ToyBox SineArt A1
ToyBox SineArt A1


Link to other pages in this series:

Link to the W3C School page about the HTML Canvas

Blender: More modelling. This time, a snare.

More Blender 3D Modelling.

A snare modelled in Blender
A snare modelled in Blender. Click for large image.

This time, a snare:

I didn’t spend as much time on this one, only about 4 days, on & off. I had some weird issues with normals, where the vertices merged using the mirror modifier. I didn’t really fix it, if you look at the reflection on the hoop you can see that it’s not quite right.

The roguelj project dumping ground. Music, Electronics, Coding, SQL, & more…