This will set a users presence indicator to away. You’ll have needed to install the IpPbx PowerShell modules first. Oh, and be sure to replace [servername] with, well, the name of your server.
Using lm As New LibManager
With lm
.BaseProtocol = SProxyObject.BaseProtocol.TCP
.AuthenticationMode = SProxyObject.AuthenticationMode.Trusted
.WSBaseUrl = serverName
End With
Dim ePb = lm.GetUserPhoneBookEnum
Dim phoneBook = ePb.GetPBXPhoneBook("%", True, True)
For Each r As Proxies.UserPhoneBook.PBXPhoneBookEntry In phoneBook
Trace.WriteLine(r.Name + " " + r.Number + " ")
End Using
For more information about Swyx telephony, check out the following link: