Tag Archives: vb.net

VB.NET Iteration Time

I recently had reason to perform an operation on a bunch of files in a directory. I wanted to view a running average iteration time. It would have been easy to use a collection / generic / array, sum the contents and divide by the collection / generic / array length, but I knew there was a simpler way, having done it before. Linq to the rescue! Here the function :


    Public Function IterateFiles(path As String) As Double

        Dim iterationDurations As New List(Of Double)

        For Each fileName As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.*", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)

            Dim iterationStartTime As Date = Now

            ' ... Your operation here...

            Dim iterationEndTime As Date = Now

            iterationDurations.Add((iterationEndTime - iterationStartTime).TotalMilliseconds)

            Console.Write("{0} Avg Iteration Time {1}", vbCr, System.Linq.Enumerable.Average(iterationDurations).ToString("F2"))


        Return System.Linq.Enumerable.Average(iterationDurations)

    End Function

SAP Business One Connection

SAPbobsCOM Company

In the first of (hopefully) many (providing I keep the momentum going) posts regarding coding, I have documented the VB.NET code required to connect and return a SAP Business One Company. So here we go.

    Private Function Company(server As String, userName As String, SecurePW As Security.SecureString, _
                             companyDB As String, dbUsername As String, dbPassword As String, _
                             ByRef errorMsg As String) As SAPbobsCOM.Company

        Company = New SAPbobsCOM.Company

        ' Get the secure password 
        Dim ptr As IntPtr = Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SecureStringToBSTR(SecurePW)

        ' Set up the connection to SAP 
        Dim returnCode, errorCode As Integer
        With Company
            .Server = server
            .CompanyDB = companyDB
            .UserName = userName
            .Password = Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringBSTR(ptr)
            .language = SAPbobsCOM.BoSuppLangs.ln_English
            .DbUserName = dbUsername
            .DbPassword = dbPassword
            .UseTrusted = False
            .DbServerType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDataServerTypes.dst_MSSQL2008

        End With

        ' Try and connect to the database 

        returnCode = Company.Connect
        If returnCode = 0 AndAlso Company.Connected = True Then
            ' Success! 
            Company.GetLastError(errorCode, errorMsg)
            If Company.Connected Then Company.Disconnect()
            Company = Nothing
        End If

    End Function

We’re assuming that we are connecting to a SQL Server 2008 instance. Also, the SAP User password is passed in via a SecureString for maximum security. I’ll post the code for a login form that exposes the SecureString password at a later date.