Crystal Report PDF Export Font Size Problem

Gonna make a note of this now as I’ve just spent 2 days looking for a quick resolution to the much-mentioned ‘Crystal Report PDF Export Font Size’ issue.

The Problem

Exporting a Crystal Report to a PDF causes a reduction in font size. Simple as that really. The problem does not manifest when printing ‘to’ a PDF via software such as Foxit (can’t recommend Foxit enough by the way, so much better than the Adobe bloatwhale). However this wasn’t an option as I wanted to export programatically, and needed to set the file name.

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The ‘Crystal Report PDF Export’ Fix

If you’ve spent any amount of time researching this issue on the Internet then you have no doubt seen several different registry keys to edit, add or modify. After trying various different entries the one that worked for me is as follows:

Crystal Report PDF Export
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0\Crystal Reports\Export\Pdf


Just add a DWORD value named ForceLargerFonts to the above registry key, with a value of 1. Why we still need to do this in 2015 when it appears the issue has been round for years is beyond me. SAP/Business Objects – sort it out.

My Environment

This is on my 64-bit Windows 8.1 workstation machine running Visual Studio 2013 & Crystal Runtime 13.0.12. I’ve noticed that as of time of writing (16-04-2015) that there’s a new service pack. I’ve not tested this new SP but I’m gonna hazard a guess that it hasn’t been fixed.

And thanks to…

The following sites were helpful in resolving this issue, but I don’t think any of them had the solution that worked for me. That said, my Google Fu may have been weakened by my frustration so may have missed it.